Right - simple enough as I've changed many a flat tire on most every make - done brake jobs etc
However - this beast will not come loose. It seems stuck or rusted on what I figure is a bearing cap.
Used lots of screwloose - wire brush and some force. To no avail.
There is no manual or special tool in the kit.
Word of mouth is it is a common problem.
Oh yeah, not my car, as common maintenence would have likely have prevented all this.How to Remove rear wheel from 1994chevy cavalier?
here's what i've had to do many times. loosen the lugnuts out about 2 turns then drive it down your driveway a little and pull the parking brake (since that only stops the back wheels. don't go to fast. just 2-3 miles an hour (a medium role) do it a few times in forward and reverse untill it breaks loose.
yes, this has the potential to damage threads and is used as a last resort when a rubber mallet dosn't work (which i have found useless in the past.) if the lugnuts are only loosened a little and you don't drive it round the block, and just drive it a few feet up and down a driveway you will do no damage.How to Remove rear wheel from 1994chevy cavalier?
I cant believe that guys said drive the car with the lugs loose. idiot. that can **** up the threads on the wheel studs. If your rim is rusted to the hub just get a rubber hammer and hit the side of the tire or rim. Should knock it right off.